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Xenia dont open once in a while?

Hey I have a whole bunch of pom pom xenia and once every week I find a few stalks are scrunched closed real tight, not just like at night. they seem fine again a day or so later. should I be worries or has anyone else had this experience? Thankss
xenia is like the dr. jekell and mr hyde kinda coral. Some people cannot get it to stop growing - and others it just won't grow at all.

There's even some anectodal accts of dosing a few drops of lugols/iodine to get the stalks to "pump". Good luck! If i ever put xenia in my tank - it might be as an experiement in the fuge.
I would not give it a second thought.

Mine is the Dr. Jekyll kind....or is it Mr. Hyde ;)

Whichever one grows and splits out of control...that ones mine :-\
lol. well the good news dave is that if you ever frag it - i'd be happy to pick some up for my fug (or display). Maybe after macna...after I see what money I have left. LOL.
Yea I have had a few frags for about a month and already have 3-4 inch high stalks growing off the frags on my rocks, trying to keep them to one side of the tank so they dont take over my other corals, zoas mainly.


scotty your xenia is fine. When i broke that rock off i had them out of water for about 2 to 3 min chopping at that rock until i could cut it off. Some stalks will take off while others do nothing. Its still rebounding from being flopped around just give it time. IF they are extending during the day hours they are fine dont nuke it buddy.. i know you have lots of time off just let them do there thing..
no i know they are ok. im just telling him that mine do the same thing, they close real tight sometimes but then they re-open... dont worry, i got this. haha
If your lighting is really strong they may close up of a few days until they get use to it. Also mine sometimes closes up at night.
Xenia is very tricky. I had sps, softies, etc growing crazy in my last tank and xenia wouldn't. I tried 4 frags from 2 different people it wouldn't grow. Yet everything else was great and i was adding lugols but nothing worked. stuffs just tricky i guess
weirdest thing happened to both my Xenia and Kenya as they and some button polyps closed up real tight when I shut the lights out last night. They opened up shortly afterwards, but I found that strange that all three would do so at the same time.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
It is VERY common/natural for the corals to all close up when the lights go off. If you're using a timer it is even more likely because they know when it is going to get dark.
For some reason I think mine are in decline. They barely pulse under a low flow area, and they've taken a somewhat darker appearance at the ends.
*Grumble grumble*
Also after a water change my Tequila Sunrise zoos all closed up and then melted away after about 4 days.

The Open Brain is doing fine as are the Sinulara buttons and Kenya.