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You can't run a tank that way!


You are an inspiration to me, who also is taking a minimalist approach to my reef tank.

Glad to hear your approach has been proven to survive the test of time.

Paul B

NJRC Member
Now this is a very cool picture of the fish corner of my workshop.
The big blue thing hanging is the RO/DI water tank. It is high because it siphons to the tank above the ceiling about 30' away.
You can just make out the acrylic DI resins to the left of the blue bucket. There is a homemade float switch in the bucket which shuts off the electric valve to the RO.
The 15 gallon tank is filled with tropical and some local critters I collected in the Atlantic including a few butterflies and that boxfish/puffer/burfish whatever it is.
The long thin horizontal white thing is my new worm keeper which I just built 10 minutes ago. It is the Mother of all worm keepers. The small worm keeper is the acrylic one below it. On the 15 gallon tank is the black and yellow brine shrimp hatchery.

Yes, I know, everything is very neat just like the pictures many of you guys post


Paul B

NJRC Member
I did something tonight that I never do and it is against one of my cardinal fish keeping rules.
I fed my fish flakes :hmm2:

That was 15 minutes ago and they are still writing bad things about my family on the inside of the glass.

It was a mistake, I didn't have time to feed them yesterday and I have no worms. I was too tired to defrost fish eggs or mysis so I deserve this.

I will have to make it up to them. Tomorrow I am going out to the east end of Long Island and I will collect some nice juicy amphipods.

I hope they forgive me :sad2: