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Zippys tank


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Very nice pete!! Looks very happy. What's the blue one branching out under it?

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Incredible. Very jealous! Now I see where that 500ml/day of dosing goes.

Thanks praveen. When you are up to speed stop by ill cut some for you. As for dosing I'm only at 200ml each of alk and Ca a day. Too nervous to go to reactor. When this gets taken down this year I'll definetly do a reactor. I think it's better at supplying all the trace elements as well as ca and alk.
Thanks man you really don't have to do that, but I really appreciate the gesture. I will definitely take you up on that offer! Oh my mistake. Taken down this year? Why? Upgrade?


NJRC Member
I have only one word to say, WOW, AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, FANTASTIC !!!
Oh I'm sorry that was 4 and I could go on.
I stopped by Pet's house today and saw his tank in person and pictures do not capture how nice this tank really is. If we had a tank of the month I would nominate it right now.
I might be laying it on a little thick but I don't care I was extremely impressed. His 120 is all a reefer could ask for, lots of beautifully colored corals of all types happy healthy fish except I kept seeing double. LOL
I say Pete needs to have a meeting to show off his tank :)
Thanks again


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
So Pete, what's going on? Is it a double exposure? Are you Noah, and do you know more about all this snow then we know, and are you collecting two by two.....and do you know what a cubit is? Or have you gone nuts with two Hippo's and two Yellow's?
