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300 Gallon upgrade

lmao it made the perfect marker for when I went by, I almost passed the house then I see a giant tub and I'm like YEP! thats it
Sorry for the late response.

I got to see this beauty in person, all I have to say is wow

Sent from my mind.


I can picture my wifes face if I dragged a 300g tub thru the livingroom!


My wife is so happy that I got things up and running and spending more time with the family, that I can bring an elephant in the house and she wouldn't say anything. lol

How are things going Rich?

Things are going well. I've done a couple of things. Just haven't had the time to update the thread. Thanks for asking. Hows your upgrade going?

I wouldn't have a wife anymore if I dragged a 300G tub thru the living room.. we just got new furniture and carpet.

I know what you mean. My wife didn't say anything but she watches through the corrners of her eyes making sure I don't mess things up.
Curing Rocks
I've mentioned that I was going to try to cure my rocks with a new method that I found on RC
using Lanthanum Chloride. Here is the link - http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2049855. The two products the people have been using are Seaklear and PhosFree. I decided to use the Phosfree since it is cheaper.
The reason why I'm curing the rocks, is cause I had a couple of Aiptasia that I could not get rid of and I also don't want to deal with the algae. They were in deep crevices and hard to get too.
So what I did was, I took the rocks out and left them outside without water for about a week. I than put the rocks in a 55 gallon drum with rodi water with a pump and heater. The heater was set to 80 degrees. I left the rocks in the water for another week. The smell was HORRIFIC...... I
than proceeded to use the PhosFree.

Here is the Phosfree that I used.


Here is the 55 gallon drum filled with water, pump, heater and rocks. There is 45 gallon of water in the drum. I know this cause I had too bring up 9, 5 gallons buckets filled with ro/di water from the basement. lol.


After letting the rock soak in the water for a week, I took a phosphate reading. The reading came out to be 0.33. I actually thought it was going to be worst.


After the test, I added 100ml of Phosfree. I just decided to dose 100ml. You can't really over dose. A cap full of the Phosfree treats up to 8000 gallon. So, you can do the math.


After 24 hours the water seemed a little clearer. I also noticed that the smell was completely gone. The funny thing is, that I haven't read on the RC thread, any mentioning of the smell being gone from using Phosfree. But the smell was gone. I aslo took a phosphate reading after 24 hours
and was surprised of the reading 0.08.



I than added another 100ml of Phosfree and tested again in 48 hours. The reading came back high, 0.10. That means that phosphate is still coming out of the rocks.



Added another 100ml and tested after 24 hours. The reading is now lower. 0.05.



I added another 100ml and will test in 48 hours. This is a long process, but I rather do it like this than deal with the algae. My goal is to have the phosphate get to 0.03 or lower.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sounds like that stuff is working. Do you need to do anything special to rinse that stuff off the rocks before putting them in the tank? I'm guessing those chemicals aren't reef safe?

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
Apparently it is. I thought about doing it with my pukani dry rock and read that thread on reef central several times. The are folks that have dripped a mixture of it and didn't water into their existing systems without any bad effects. The key seems to be to drip it into a fine filter sock. It causes the phosphate to precipitate out so if you were to put it right into your tank you'd end up with a snow globe. You also need to be careful how quickly you dropped your phosphate.

I bought a bottle but ended up not needing it. Gfo took care of my initial phosphate spike from my rock.
Looking good Rich! As you know I used this method with the pukani rock in my tank and it has proven to be very successful for me. I cured for close to 2 months and that was just because I had plenty of time to do it and didn't want to have problems. I had a small spike when the rocks entered the tank of about .15ppm but two weeks later I am at zero on the hanna ulr phosphorous meter.

Question....are you doing this in plain rodi or saltwater? The reason I ask is because I am pretty sure that hanna meters don't measure po4 accurately on fresh water but I could be wrong. I would also plan to change the water out when you do wc's on your regular system. I used the water that I drained from my tank to put into the barrel where the rocks are curing.

Finally, all I did was give the rocks a really good rinse with the garden hose to knock off the precipitate and then dipped them in rodi before putting into the tank.
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Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sounds like that stuff is working. Do you need to do anything special to rinse that stuff off the rocks before putting them in the tank? I'm guessing those chemicals aren't reef safe?

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
I do believe while it isn't made for a reef, it is reef safe to a point, only in very small doses though. There was a member on here years ago who used it and my brother used it after him with no ill results from what we could tell
Sounds like that stuff is working. Do you need to do anything special to rinse that stuff off the rocks before putting them in the tank? I'm guessing those chemicals aren't reef safe?

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk

I have to rinse the rocks thoroughly to remove the precipitate before putting them in the tank.

Apparently it is. I thought about doing it with my pukani dry rock and read that thread on reef central several times. The are folks that have dripped a mixture of it and didn't water into their existing systems without any bad effects. The key seems to be to drip it into a fine filter sock. It causes the phosphate to precipitate out so if you were to put it right into your tank you'd end up with a snow globe. You also need to be careful how quickly you dropped your phosphate.

I bought a bottle but ended up not needing it. Gfo took care of my initial phosphate spike from my rock.

I'm trying to bring down the po4 enough thaat the gfo can maintain it.

Looking good Rich! As you know I used this method with the pukani rock in my tank and it has proven to be very successful for me. I cured for close to 2 months and that was just because I had plenty of time to do it and didn't want to have problems. I had a small spike when the rocks entered the tank of about .15ppm but two weeks later I am at zero on the hanna ulr phosphorous meter.

Question....are you doing this in plain rodi or saltwater? The reason I ask is because I am pretty sure that hanna meters don't measure po4 accurately on fresh water but I could be wrong. I would also plan to change the water out when you do wc's on your regular system. I used the water that I drained from my tank to put into the barrel where the rocks are curing.

Finally, all I did was give the rocks a really good rinse with the garden hose to knock off the precipitate and then dipped them in rodi before putting into the tank.

Thanks. Yes I am using ro/di water. I emailed hanna and stated that the mete that I use is capable of reading po4 in ro/di water and tap water. Accuracy ±0.04 mg/L plus ±4% of reading. I'm sue you aleady know this ;)