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55 Gallon Mixed Reef!

So, first, let me start off by saying how glad I am to have found a thread dedicated to people in New Jersey. Yaaaay :). Noww, moving on! So, my set up has been going for roughly 6 months now. Water params are all great (well, 5 ppms of nitrates). I have four set ups, 60g Hex FOWLR that's housing my snowflake, and triggers. This one, the 55g Mixed reef (My favorite). A 29g Biocube that's going to be LPS/Softies only. And, a 26g Bowfront that's going to be LPS dominated :).

Livestock: 2 Percula clowns (1-1.5"), Engineer Goby (7-8"), Diamond Watchman Goby (4"), Indigo Dottyback (3.5-4"), and a Yellow Watchman Goby (1.5").

Got about 60-70 Lbs of LR in the DT. About 2 Lbs of LR in a HOB filter, and about 12-15lbs in th sump. Haven't gotten around to getting a Skimmer for the sump yet, thinking about just using a piece of media at the inlet for it. Have a DIY Overflow made from PVC.

Okay, enough chit chat! On with the pics! (Ignore any fish that aren't listed. They were either brought back for store-credit or rehomed. Pics are slightly old :p)


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Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Welcome to the club, nice way to start off with a Tale of the Tank.
Thank you, and yes, I definitely do. It's hard to get stuff done, I'm working on a extreme budget. And when that budget is split four ways... yeah. So, I haven't really been able to do much lately. But, good things come to he who waits! So, I'm just maintaining a status quo until I can figure out where I'm gonna get more money for corals lol. By the way, I have a Scopas tang that's like 3". He/She is in need of a good home. Anyone with a large enough tank for him, and is local, who wants him can PM me. He's VERY aggressive towards all Tangs and Angels. He's even shown some aggression towards Clowns and Wrasses I've had. He's caused the death of two Powder Brown Tangs over the past 3 months, and a Half Black Angel. So, needless to say, I'm pretty peeved with it. And, unfortunately, my LFS don't really take fish for store credit. So, rather then give it to a LFS for free for them to make 30$ off it, I'd rather give it to someone who's in a situation like me, where money is tight. PM me and let me know if you want him, thanks! :)
By the way, I have a Scopas tang that's like 3". He/She is in need of a good home. Anyone with a large enough tank for him, and is local, who wants him can PM me. He's VERY aggressive towards all Tangs and Angels. He's even shown some aggression towards Clowns and Wrasses I've had. He's caused the death of two Powder Brown Tangs over the past 3 months, and a Half Black Angel. So, needless to say, I'm pretty peeved with it. And, unfortunately, my LFS don't really take fish for store credit. So, rather then give it to a LFS for free for them to make 30$ off it, I'd rather give it to someone who's in a situation like me, where money is tight. PM me and let me know if you want him, thanks! :)

Hi Anthony!

You can post the Tang in the Don't Break the Chain forum and more people will see that you are looking for a home for him.

For a skimmer, you can also look into a HOB; we had great luck with a hang-on-the-back Aqua-C Remora.
If you join the club as a member, you will also be able to see the Deals & Steals section and you may be able to find a used skimmer.
Keeping a status quo on them is actually relatively easy. And yeah, I'm 22 with two kids, so, money is tight most of the time. Once I can scrounge up a few bucks I'm definitely going to become a member. How much is it annually? And thanks for the advice on the tang. He's a really awesome fish, just more aggressive then I'd like. If I can't find him a home relatively soon, he's going to become the newest addition to the 60g hex. He's big enough that the snowflake, or triggers wouldn't really bother him. But, I'm going to try your advice and hopefully find him a home where he's happy :)
So, I managed to frag my GSP and got about 4 nickel-quarter sized pieces off of it. Already seeing some nice regrowth from the initial colony. Also, thinking about fragging my WSP. Once I do, and I make sure they are all healing and full extension, if anyone wants small frags of it, let me know. :)
Picked up two Snowflake Clowns that were on sale at Petco for 25$ each and within 24 hours they had both died. Tested my water, and everything is fine except the Nitrates are at 10ppms. So, I called petco, and they are going to honor the purchase and refund me some store credit. Sucks, I really liked them :(. I'll snap some pics tonight of the new frags I got. Also, having a algae and cyano out-break in my 29g biocube. How do I get rid of the cyano? bubble algae, I'll get a few more emerald crabs and throw em in there.
Picked up two Snowflake Clowns that were on sale at Petco for 25$ each and within 24 hours they had both died. Tested my water, and everything is fine except the Nitrates are at 10ppms. So, I called petco, and they are going to honor the purchase and refund me some store credit. Sucks, I really liked them :(. I'll snap some pics tonight of the new frags I got. Also, having a algae and cyano out-break in my 29g biocube. How do I get rid of the cyano? bubble algae, I'll get a few more emerald crabs and throw em in there.

Did you drip? And people bash petco so much. Who else refunds saltwater??

Sent from my galaxy s4
I dripped them for two and a half hours, their PH was at like 7.8 and salt was at 1.019. And the only reason they are giving me store credit on the stuff is because the guy who runs the saltwater section there is friends with me, and knows all of my set ups. He knows my tank params are fine, and uses me as a outside source for finding fish for customers when he can't lol. This is twice that this has happened to me from petco. First time, 5 different fish in four set ups all died in 24 hours. Initially, the store manager tried telling me that 10ppms of nitrates was the reason for it. So, my buddy was listening in on the conversation, and stopped him mid-sentence and asked him if his crack dealer changed the supply on him lol. So, he was forced to give me store credit. I waited months before adding any new fish to the tank, just in case it was my tank (It wasn't). I added a Indigo Dottyback about a month ago (Got it from a LFS in Dover) and it has been doing awesome. And, once again, I tried petco fish and within 24 hours, both dead. I will say this, I'm pleased that they at least honor when they sell fish with problems. Sucks though, the snowflakes were only 25$ each, and they had pretty cool designs on them. Now I'm down to only three pairs of clowns :(. (2 B/w, 2 Percs, and 2 Maroons). I'm going to attempt to get another pair of either A: Snowflakes, B: Picassos, or C: Black Ice. Hopefully, it isn't a huge waste of time with them (I also get a huge discount normally when I go there [50% off anything I buy]). So, that kinda keeps me motivated to go back ya know :p

Edit: My three LFS are Dover Pet store, Fin City Aquatics, and Petco. All three of them will refund me store credit if something goes wrong within a week. Past a week, they no longer take responsibility. (I do spend a fair amount of money between them lol).
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No lol, I have 4 different set ups: 60g Hex (In the process of breaking down), a 55g, 29g bio, and a 26g bowfront. I also have a little 2.5g Holding a pair of percs (they are tiny, maybe 1" at most) until I can figure out if I want to keep them to attempt breeding on all these different pairs, or bring them back. I'm in a huge toss up on it, because, they were my first fish. I've had them since they were barely 1/2" lol.