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Help crash

I had a major tank crash the other day and I am looking for some sand and some salt water that is established for a quarantine tank that I will be using for a while my whole tank got wiped out right now I have one clown anem just hanging in there I want to try to save all my clean up crew and star fish all my sand is bad I used the wrong kinda silicone on my tank and wiped it out any help will do
I am located in Berlin


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
That is going to be tough in the middle of a snow storm. Do you have any extra water you can mix? If you can run to the supermarket and buy some distilled you can mix that into some salt real quick. We crashed our tanks in the middle of a snow storm due to a power outage so I feel your pain.
I'm good rite now the thing is my quarantine tank I don't want it to cycle so I can keep the remains of my tank
I wouldn't suggest going out in this weather (even the pike is iced over right now) but if after the storm is over you still need it I can do an early WC of about 5 gal and give it to you. Let me know.

I'm in Williamstown about 1/2 mile off crosskeys.
I got your message and will give you a call when I get off work. I can help you with water, sand and some rock. However I will say that water has next to no good bacteria in it.
Any updates? How is the skimmer working for you? It was new, and may have needed a little break in for it to get up to speed.
I was gonna give you a call this weekend everything is alive nitrite little high no ammonia plugged in skimmer about 2 days ago a litte adjusting but working great thanks very much for your help

Have the display tank up and running sump is finished (with the correct silicone) looking good waiting for cycle forgot how much waiting sucks but that's life