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I have a 55 gallon RR tank that i will be setting up soon, but i wanted to use a used 55 gallon tank i have as a sump, i know its a little too big but i figured i would have a nice size refugium in it. now my question was can anyone help me in designing this sump, i never made one before. and i would like to utilize the size for good things and not wasted space. anyone have any ideas or a 55 that they turned into a sump themselves?
55 gallon - (48 1/4 x 12 3/4 x 21) correct? Nothing is too big if you have space for it. I can help you out. I recently did a design for jerzsky in the Equipment Conversation forum for his All-In one sump.


What are your requirements in equipment that you want placed inside. After you have that list together, then we can start hashing out chamber sizes, flow, if you want a frag chamber (which would be very feasable with a 48" sump), etc...

Ask the moderators to move this thread into the DIY forum, because it is more relevant there.
hey tommy, the design of a sump is all the same really. i havent really seen anything unique.

regular sump configuration: drain > refugium > return drain to both drain and refugium > return in the center.

i think i'll end up going with sump configuration #2 with my new tank. i'll take a picture of my oceanic sump when i get home.
I THINK all modern 55 gal tanks are made with tempered glass on all sides, just incase you plan on drilling holes, it wont work.
My 55 Gallon wsa tempered! haha.. just cracked two days ago from trying to drill it.

I ripped the frame off on the top, and took out the remaining shards of glass, and going to order a new frame/glass and repair it... See how that works lol.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Here's a great site with lots of ideas on designing sumps - Marc's Hidden Treasure

He makes them out of acrylic, but you could easily take your 55 and put acrylic or glass baffles in just like he does his. He doesn't really have plans on there but most of them will give you dimensions of the different chambers. If nothing else, it will help you figure out what you want in yours and where.

Good Luck!
You have all the information here to do it up. You can use any sized water holding container for a sump. Really bigger is better. Some use big rubbermade tubs, some custom sized acylic, some left over fish tanks. Remember no copper should have been used in the 55G though. How are your drains on the 55G RR tank? Since you are not going to be able to fit the 55 under the 55 in a standard stand are you going to build a stand for your tank? Remember to make sure the supports are directly under the corners of the tank. You could leave a display window for the refugium section if you decided to be creative(and since your sump is going to be good sized). Or are you going to plumb it to a basement? Good luck.