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joeymarines 90g build

Good Morning everyone!

I've been lurking for quite some time gathering as much info as possible while working on my barebones 37g set up. In my 37g I have a Penguin HOB I use for for movement and a maxijet powerhead. About 50lbs+ of rock, a few frags, and 3 clowns.

Last weekend I got an email from someone on Craigslst who was getting rid of some rock and asked me if I'd be interested in a 90g RR tank, stand, 40g sump, Aqua Medic T1000 skimmer, PhosBan Reactor and all pumps, accessories and lights. Of course I said yes and picked it up last weekend. I am in the process of getting the new tank up and running and will transfer everything in my 37 to the 90 once it's cycled.

I am definitely new to the hobby and this is my first large tank. My water is very cloudy and sandy still 2 days after adding water and sand. I have the skimmer running in hopes of it clearing up. I will post pics later when I get a chance.



Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Hey Joey! Welcome!

Looks off to be a nice start. Good luck with the build! If you have any questions never hesitate to ask, I know everyone here and my self will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

What are your future plan for the tank? what kind of corals, if any, are you going to keep?


NJRC Member
Joey you are going to love this site these guys are great and will be very helpful. Tank looks good, good luck


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome Joey. Looks like a great start. I'm also a 90 galloner....with a 40B sump.

Where are you located?

And certainly ask away with any questions you might have.
Thanks everyone!

I did get an RO/DI unit with the tank. As of right now I have some SPS, some Zoanthids, Xenia and Kenya tree all donated from someone if the forum here (thanks again, they are doing great!); I also have a blue green mushroom. I would like a BTA and I really like SPS so I may continue that route. I don't plan to add anything else to the tank for quite some time until I know I have it all dialed in right. Of course my CUC will come from my 37 which consists snails, hermits and 1 emerald all from one of Reef Cleaner Quick CUC's.

The tank is VERY cloudy still, I'm assuming b/c the sand is much finer than my 37. Will this settle eventually? I only have the return pump and skimmer pumps going right now.

Welcome Joey. Looks like a great start. I'm also a 90 galloner....with a 40B sump.

Where are you located?

And certainly ask away with any questions you might have.

Awesome, I'm going to have to look at your build to get some ideas and pointers.

Not far from you at all, I'm over in Somerset.

Welcome to the club. That cloudiness will clear up. Do you have a filter sock in the sump. When I set mine up it was cloudy also and the dock was able to pull some of that stuff out, of course I had to clean it a lot though.
No filter sock...I guess I have to make that my next project. It's starting to get a little better though. I guess it's ok if it takes some time though as the tank needs to cycle anyway.
Nice another 90G guy! x2 to what jgraz said about a filter sock. personally I run them all the time but I like to keep a clean sump. just make sure you keep changing them as they will get clogged pretty easily in the beginning. How are you cycling? shrimp? pure ammonia?
I'm just the opposite I only ran the sick during my first few days then pulled it and haven't looked back. I can't remember the last time I cleaned my sump put its pretty clean down there.
So I finally made the jump last night and moved the last of my LR and all my livestock over from my 37 gallon. After the first night it seems as if everything is doing fine. Warner's a little cloudy from moving the rock around so once it clears up I'll be posting some pics. When moving over some of the corals I noticed some growth on the bottom of the plug. Can anyone id it?


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That's definitely what it is. And most likely b/c I wasn't using rodi filter for a while. Hoping the water is not as cloudy tonight so I can get a pic up.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
First I need to come over there and slap you for abandoning RO/DI. :eek:

However, not using RO/DI has nothing to do with sponges showing up. They came in on something….rock, a frag, the treasure chest with the bubbles coming out, who knows??? They are not a bad thing….they are a good thing in that they are filter feeders.
They also seem to be a good sign of feeding also. Like everyone said they are safe and fine to have but if you happen to notice an explosion of them it's a good sign that you are feeding too much.