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Red Slime remover - to be or not to be?


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
I know it is the last resort, but I am fighting a losing battle with cynao. I have red and green both.

I am tempted to use it but I have read the horror stories about how people crashed their tank using red slime remover.

I know all about cutting feeding , installing phosban reactor , cut photoperiod. ... I tried everything.

It would have been easy decision to take if my tank was not looking as good lately. My tank has never looked better :( :)

I am very confused - to risk it or not to risk it.

Toss up???

NOT to mention, it could be the meeting curse ;D


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
I have tried increasing flow. Actually, that was first thing I did. It started with a rock in the bottom of the tank. I pointed a PH straight to the rock. In 2 weeks it was growing again :(
i'd be open to trying it as long as you don't have too much of the stuff. I could see how a large amt of cyano dying could disrupt the chemistry of the tank.

I am getting cyano myself lately - and it's definitelybecause I have been lax with the water changes. I plan on increasing that and also re-dialing the controller so the pumps are less predictable.


Staff member
NJRC Member
Wouldn't it ne better to siphon out as much Cyano as possible before using Red Slime Remover. This will prevent a large die off and not foul the tank to much hopefully.
I used it on my last setup . It does work great ,but the slime returns real fast if you dont fix the cause . I used it at less then recommended streght and had no bad issues .


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Ok - I have read a LOT on "siphon it out". The red stuff I think I can. The green one I am not sure. I DO NOT have too much, but I have plenty to make the tank look bubbly.

I have been doing 20% WC every week so far. Another 45 gallon is ready in the basement. I am really NOT giving up but it is getting frustrating.

I know if issue is not fixed it will come back. That is why I am not 100% sure to use it.

But what is the issue? I have about 5 - 6 adults and 8 more (2 inches or less) fish in the 150 gallon. The total water volume is like 180G.

I feed half a sheet of garlic lased nori and 2 - 3 cubes of mysis a day. I think everything is consumed in 2 minutes or less.

I feed by hand. I see the food going to mouths and not into the rocks.

Alk is 9
Cal is 420
PH is 8.3 (day) 8.1 (night)
Mag is 1300
Nitrate is 5 PPM (have some chaeto in the fuge with mangroves)
Phos is 0.3
Temp is 74 - 78
Salinity is 1.024

What is going on here?


If your PO4 is "Phos is 0.3" like you list, that is pretty high, and definitely the root of your problem. Are you running any phosphate remover like phosban?? Also what kind of test kit are you using?? It may be higher than the actual reading unless you are using a photometer.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
How old is your substrate and do you have anything that burrows in it? I was fighting cyano caused by the addition of a pistol shrimp that released all the nasties from my sand. I've used Red Slime remover several times with no adverse effects.



NJRC Member
Article Contributor
dnov99 said:
If your PO4 is "Phos is 0.3" like you list, that is pretty high, and definitely the root of your problem. Are you running any phosphate remover like phosban?? Also what kind of test kit are you using?? It may be higher than the actual reading unless you are using a photometer.

I do not believe 0.3 P04 is pretty high. In any case have installed a phosban reactor.


NJRC Member
Article Contributor

Sand is about 11 months old. I have three wrasse that burrow in the sand. Hmm, never thought about that.


monroereef said:
dnov99 said:
If your PO4 is "Phos is 0.3" like you list, that is pretty high, and definitely the root of your problem. Are you running any phosphate remover like phosban?? Also what kind of test kit are you using?? It may be higher than the actual reading unless you are using a photometer.

I do not believe 0.3 P04 is pretty high. In any case have installed a phosban reactor.

Well sorry, but you are wrong, .30 PPM is a very high level of PO4. Unless you mean .03 PPM, but that is not what you are writing.

Here is an excerpt from a Randy Holmes article:

phosphate should be kept below 0.03 ppm. Whether keeping it below 0.01 ppm will yield substantial additional benefits remains to be established, but that is a goal that some aquarists are pursuing with various ways of exporting phosphate

And the article: http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2004-05/rhf/index.php
Hi...I have used Chemiclean's Red Slime Remover twice over the past 10 years (the last time about 6 months ago) with good success. A couple of tips...just use the recommended dose; be patient as it takes little while to see the results (so don't keep adding more), and do water changes as necessary to rectify the underlying reason for the outbreak.

Hope this helps.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Also use a air stone when using chemi clean.. the stuff takes out all the DO in the water .. i ran the air stone a week after i used it just to be on the safe side
MadReefer said:
Wouldn't it ne better to siphon out as much Cyano as possible before using Red Slime Remover. This will prevent a large die off and not foul the tank to much hopefully.

I agree with MadReefer that is the way to go. I used it once about 9M ago ...think it was the salt I was messing around with different ones then reefcrystals...used chemiclean that we got at MACNA...used once...make sure you turn the skimmer off as it goes nuts. I also switched back to combo carbon and phosban that I had success with before.


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Thanks everyone. I replaced the GFO in the reactor today. Did a 25% water change. Siphoned whatever I could.

Now I want to wait for 2 weeks and se if something changes, If NOT I will try the red slime remover that James suggested.

I did mean 0.03 and not 0.3.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I think chemi-clean red Slime Remover is a better product bit more pin point.. The others seem more of a broad spectrum antibiotic from my understanding ... but good luck anyways


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Thanks Cod. There is another one from ultralife. It also has good reviews. However, I will wait for James to update me on what he used.
