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Sad to see this happen – especially to a fish that lived a pretty good life :(

Wow. I never expected this, yesterday morning. Woke up to find our 6” French Angel torn to bits, nearly – as you can see from the picture, tail bit down to the base and the top and bottom in horrible condition. Thankfully, whoever the culprit was (is), they didn’t go for the eyes. S(he) was alive when I got her out … but she didn’t last a full day. Had her sectioned off in another tank … wow. Very very sad to see this happen to such a beautiful fish. Just noticed I would have had her for a year this weekend. :(

Sad to see this happen to any fish – but especially one that lived a pretty good life up until this time …

I’m guessing based on the shape of the bites, it was the Guinea Fowl Puffer – not very aggressive, until now – might be taking that little fella out soon, afraid for the Lookdowns! :(



NJRC Member
Article Contributor
That is horribly sad Sandee. Who were the other tank mates other than the puffer?

So sorry for your loss. It was a beautiful fish.

Small GF Puffer, Coris Wrasse, Bird Wrasse, Burr Fish, 2 Lookdowns (slighly smaller than the French Angel, who was the largest in the tank). So odd. The GF Puffer is suspect, but has always been pretty sweet.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Aww, that's really sad Sandee. Such a shame that such a beautiful fish had to go through this.

It doesn't sound like any of the other fish would do something like this, but I guess you never know.

Might want to keep a fish cam or two pointed at this tank to see if you can spot any aggression from the puffer. That way, you can keep an eye on him.
Odd thing is ... one of the lamps burnt out day before yesterday - so only half of the 180g has light. Could that have confused them, set someone off to the point they went after the FA? Weird.
Sorry to hear Sandee.I was also thinking too that maybe no one was the culprit and the fish died of natural causes.Then during that time the fish nibbled on the remains...I'd hate to see the gf puffer in a striped shirt,ball and chained..lol


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sandee, sorry for your loss. It’s amazing how we become emotionally attached to our fish.

My first thought was the same as Tony (shipwrecked), the fish died first. There doesn’t appear to be a “death” wound on the fish…..just severely eaten fins.

Again French Angel, RIP! :sorrow:


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I would suspect either the puffer or the burrfish as they are a type of puffer too. I had one that would attack anything else in the tank with him.

Everyone that is suggesting that the fish died then was attacked, tat can't be the case as she said the fish was alive when she took it from the tank and that it died later in the day.
Well I know in my aggressive tank,sometimes fish bicker,and chase each other,but it usually ends harmlessly.Like when tangs do.But very seldom do they extend their scalpel and hurt each other.At most you have some damaged fins,but in a short period that ends too.Unless the bullying cont to where the underdog fish hides and/or stops eating.Also maybe its a gd idea to check the other fish to see if there is any signs of damage to them.Lots more questions to be answered here before we can determine what happened,then again we may never know for sure
GF Puffer is only 3" ... 180g.

Yea, FA was alive. Breathing heavy, but alive. No injury to body at all. Perfect the day before.

On the road. Tnx for comments.