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Scary House Fire


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I’m working in my house this afternoon and I smell fire. I walk up the back of my yard where Kaplan has built McMansions (big houses on postage size lots), and one of these beauties is ablaze. Just started, and looks like it started in the garage. Fire company not there yet, but the cops have stopped the cars from driving past. Within ten minutes, this house is totally involved and obviously a total loss. I was shocked! I don’t know if it’s the particleboard sheathing covered with vinyl siding or what, but this thing went up like a Roman torch. All the other McMansion owners were standing around me in total shock in how fast this thing was gone. Here’s a shot of the smoke totally covering the house on fire. They kicked us out of there, so I’ll see if I can get a picture tomorrow of the sticks that are remaining....again, unbelievable.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
You scared me for a minute ther being that I saw it on my phone, took a minute to get the whole story. GLAD to hear you weren't involved. You never know how those mass produced houses will go up! All the crap they use to build them


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Lovely . . . . I live in a Kaplan home (I wouldn't call it a McMansion but that was very funny!). I really hope this was something the owner caused and not the result of a cheesey light switch like the ones they used in our house.
Wow! Ive had alot of work gutting houses after that, some r so bad u just knock em down. Fire smell lingers forever


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
All the glue in the particle board plus home being wrapped in plastic don't help... I call homes like that "fancy cardboard boxes"