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Anyone have plans for DIY Pod breeding?

I used the 5 gallon bucket method with great success. It requires daily attention and can crash quickly but is worth the effort if you have the need

Hey do you have a link to how the 5 gallon bucket method works?

I was thinking about just doing brine shrimp and feeding them frozen food but I would prefer pods.

Thank you!

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Officer Emeritus
Wow you guys are awesome. I'm going to start on this ASAP.

Maybe I should take pictures and document it.

Maybe I can provide you guys with pods?? Haha

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Sounds like a great idea. I bought pods from ACC to start mine. The key was to siphon from the top down leaving bottom 2-3 inches to remove detritus and use the remaining pods to feed your tank. Best wishes on your endeavor.


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NJRC Member
I use a large hang on fuge with a load of rubble and some macro. Whenever I get rots/pods I dump them in there, probably once every 4-6 months. The've got cities going on, there's always a considerable population, and they get get swept into main tank on a regular basis.
Looking to breed some Copepods. There are a bunch of YouTube videos but I don't know which is the best.

Figured I would ask here first!

Thank you

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My good friend has been doing,this successfully for over a year in a ten gallon. His tank is set up like a refugium very basic small water fall filter mostly for circulation 1 inch sand bed and some live rock the copepods were introduced by accident as hitch hikers on either the rock or cheato he uses a small light bulb style grow bulb the Led type you see on Amazon or eBay full spectrum.. The tank is left to its on devices and the pod population exploded he gets cycles of amphi pods and copepods and all sorts of little crustations . in the he makes weighted bales of cheato that act like little hotels the pods swarm into to live. When he wants to harvest he pulls one out in rolls it and rinsed it with fresh salt water collecting the pods on a bowl. Rinse and repeat the cycle more pods. Very successful I took one of those bales and,put it in my sump now I have pods populating my sump


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Staff member
We had a lot of success with tigger pods from reef nutrition. They were really easy to breed and keep a culture running for a long time. We essentially had them in a vase on a window sill and just transferred water back and forth. They are a really easy species to start with.