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Angels in my reef- new member

Hello to all, some call me John, some, other things. Been a fish nut some 40 plus years, salt and reefs for more than 20. Was a member of fish channel but the 2 and 3 year veterans who know it all forced me to look elsewhere, I hope "Goldbarb" is not a member here. Been keeping large Angels in my 210 gal sps reef for many years, my Asfur has been with me for 12. I've grown most from juv. The Queen needs to move out, She'***** the 5 inch mark, which means she'll run my 240 fowlr tank in short order, the Blueline has been in for 3 months and no longer shows any juv markings, is also a model citizen. A 4 inch adult Emperor is coming out of QT this weekend, we'll see how he does. A 4 inch female Personifer and a Thompsons tang have had the run of my 125 frag tank, she would look nice in the 210. None have bothered with my xenia, lps or the sps. They do like clams and welso's and elegance so I don't keep them anymore. I have a stand of Lytophytons that the Queen sometimes nibbles on but there's too many to do any real damage. It's their reef, and they dictate what I keep in it, I wouldn't have it any other way. Does anyone else keep Angels in their reefs? Most reefers I've dealt with consider it insanity, to the point where I stopped sharing experiences for many years. The need to talk fish has finally won out, so here I am, lets talk fish.


NJRC Member
Saw the video of your tank in the other thread and I think it's awesome! I love Angelfish but there isn't one I feel comfortable keeping in my little 50g tank. One day!

Welcome to our club. I think you will find it to be a very accomodating place. I love to see different kinds of tanks and yours is certainly that! Looking forward to seeing more pics and hearing all about it at our April event!

Did I see Butterfly Fish in your tank too?? I wish I could keep those fish!! I'd love to know how you do it. Not to mention how gorgeous your corals are....wow!! I'd love to have half of your success :rolleyes:


NJRC Member
Yeah, those Zosters are awesome! CJ has 2 in the 120 and they're doing great. I wish that there was some secret I could tell you but they were hardy from the get go. Had no idea that they were hard to keep until talking to Will at AO recently. Maybe we should frag them......
I keep a butterfly in my reef, a black back. Had a racoon but he started to eat my clams.
Tried a half moon with softies all went well for three months then he must have tasted one of them and in days they were eaten down to nubs. I have several of the reef safe angles in my reef. My larger angles are in a fish only tank. I have tried to put some coral in that tank, but they get knocked all around the tank. Its great that you have been able to keep the larger angles in your reef. It makes for a cooler looking tank.


NJRC Member
I've currently got a female Lamarck in mine. Not quite the kind of yours, but I like her. I haven't had the best of luck with Dwarfs. I had a half black that loved my corals, would just nip from one to the next, to the next, until I removed him. I also had a Flame for over two years, then he startered to nip select corals, so he came out. I even tried a Zoster, but it only lasted two months. Really cool fish. Glad to hear of your success. Angels are beautiful fish.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
I have a 45g cube which pretty much nixes all the big angels however I do keep a flame/rusty hybrid in there and he has been a model citizen. I have had other dwarf angels that nipped at everything, but this guy has been pretty good.


NJRC Member
I have a Singapore in my 90 - can't really call it a reef yet though - an aspiring reef maybe.... - I have about 6 frags in there - the montis and staghorn are doing well in spite of the singapore's curiosity but my zoa's have all but disappeared - not sure if the angel's to blame but I’m not sure how I feel about experimenting with more


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I have an Eibli Angel which is one of the reefsafe dwarves. It's a beautiful fish and is a model citizen for me. It hasn't touched any corals and ironically is one of the most timid fish I have and I wish he would venture out of the rocks a bit more than he does. I figured an angel would be more aggressive, so I got him last. :undecided:

Here's a shot of him when he was in the QT.


Anyway, welcome to the club John. You deserve a big thumbs up for your tanks. :encouragement: Very beautiful fish and corals you have there.


NJRC Member
Hmmmm. I thought that the Eiblei was one of the least reef safe. Maybe I'm confusing it with another one. I have always liked the Eibleis...now you have me thingking.


NJRC Member
Hmmmm. I thought that the Eiblei was one of the least reef safe. Maybe I'm confusing it with another one. I have always liked the Eibleis...now you have me thingking.

No personal experience, but when I was researching the dwarfs, they were listed as one of the more risky ones. 1/2 blacks were listed as less risky, but don't tell that to the one I got, cause it wouldn't leave corals alone. I guess if you like them, then try then, but make sure you can either get it out if it nips or be willing to part with particular corals.


NJRC Member
Guys...I believe his tank is the one that is on the April Speaker event page!! Absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!

thought Mnat said the speaker lives in Va and grew up in north jersey - OP is from down south - cherry hill - not the same person, is it?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
No personal experience, but when I was researching the dwarfs, they were listed as one of the more risky ones. 1/2 blacks were listed as less risky, but don't tell that to the one I got, cause it wouldn't leave corals alone. I guess if you like them, then try then, but make sure you can either get it out if it nips or be willing to part with particular corals.

Or, the better option to that would be to QT your angel (or any other questionable "reef safe" fish) and introduce different frags to the QT tank. If it goes after any of them, then you know you have a problem before it goes into the DT... and you don't suffer any major casualties with your corals. :grin:

I agree that they all can be hit or miss though.

Oh, and Steve... Jonathan already mentioned that before.

Dave... If it's not the same person, they coincidentally have the same first name and the fish he described seemed to be the same as was in that video, lol. The VA thing does have me wondering though, as well as the description of him (Copps) living in Bermuda, Galapagos Islands, and Ecuador while studying in college. I guess Mike could have made a mistake on his info but my gut is telling me these are 2 different people.
Not my video

I will post pics or video as soon as I figure out how, sorry folks, I'm quite challenged when it comes to computers. Still a one finger typist. I haven't seen the video your referring to, sorry for the mixup.
John, welcome to the club.I share your passion with the angels and they are one of my fav's next to the tangs.One day I'd love to do a fowlr of angels and wrasses along with some others.The drawf angels have been hit or miss with me in my reef so as of current I havent tried again.Looking forward to seeing pics sometime and we share the same challenges on the comp.Cheers to the one finger typer club.