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Conversion to 180g


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sweet! I still say you're nuts for tearing it down. Good luck with the new set up! It really looks great!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
ReefDrumz said:
Sweet! I still say you're nuts for tearing it down.

Shhhh! Don't say that out loud! I'm not so sure John's sold on the tear down yet!
looks great!! thanks for sharing!!

Can't wait to see it in person... plenty of room for growth for all that SPS in there now!! :D


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I'm sure I'll get used to it. Actually, I know I will. Once the rocks purple up and I don't see frag putty everywhere, I'll be much happier.

Thanks for all the kind words. It was a heck of lot of work - Especially after having spent the day on the road between Mr. Corals and back!
Looks great John and Phyl!

Hang in there John, you'll love it.

I tore down most of my 55 softie, auto fragged some stuff too.

Two days later I loved it. ;D

Nothing on the scale of what you folks did.

If I ever get out of work I'll take pics and post.

And yes, I am still at work since noon Sunday to what is now Monday morning! ::)


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Thanks for all the positive comments! If the process weren't so painful, John may have already put it back the way it was, lol. When all was said and done, I said if you don't like it, we can always do this again in a few months and put it back! For now, I don't mind the change of scenery.

Now we just need some coraline.

And to sell 200# of live rock.
Phyl and John,

I like the open and spacious look of the new setup. Given how very nice the "old" setup looked, I commend your courage in
making the changeover. 8) Being both lazy and cowardly when it comes to tinkering with my tank (something ALWAYS goes wrong),
I'll wait a while before switching to Marco Rock which I too happen to like very much.

BTW I like the phrase "auto frag". Sounds so much better than "I broke my $150 Duncan/Acan/Acro" :p


PS..Kudos to you too Bill. That Softie tank was beautiful. Can't wait to see the "new" layout.
Looks great guys!

I add Marco rock rubble to my tank every once in a while when I glue Frags to them. They color up in about 4 weeks. The rock in my 29 gallon biocube looks like it's been there for years and it's only 8 weeks old.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I've got a piece of cap that I brought up from downstairs that doesn't look so good. I'm going to shorten the light cycle a bit and see if it doesn't perk up again. Otherwise everything looks pretty good.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
MikeM said:
Were there any loses with the switch over?

We seem to have *misplaced* 2 scooter blennies. Everybody is else is present and accounted for. The real challenge we're faced with right now is trying to find homes for all of the corals we pulled out of the old setup. The stock tank is loaded! We still have a lot of room, it's just a matter of trying to figure out what's going to go where.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
1 cap and 2 scooters. Not bad. I bet the scooters hitched a ride in your old rocks.
We stil have the 110 sitting here. We can set it up by your 125.
JohnS_323 said:
MikeM said:
Were there any loses with the switch over?
The real challenge we're faced with right now is trying to find homes for all of the corals we pulled out of the old setup. The stock tank is loaded! We still have a lot of room, it's just a matter of trying to figure out what's going to go where.

I will be able to assist you with this issue in about 2 1/2 weeks ;) ;D


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Today we saw the first casualty of war. :(

Some time between Saturday night and yesterday one of the 250w Reeflux bulbs (anyone spot a trend with these?) broke the shield, and kept on running. I think it happened yesterday. We now have a few corals that look a bit burned from it. One of which is my green cap, the shaded area of which are still holding color. The other is a bit of the efflo. I'm hoping they both recover. My orange and purple caps are probably toast, along with the teal with blue tip stag we had. I've got my fingers crossed and the lights out, in hopes that they hang in there. *sigh*
