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How to get rid of windows 7 ?

Can i just format my hard drive and then restart the computer witht he xp in the cd drive, choose boot from cd and install ?
I cant stand this windows 7...
Joe It's easy!

Step one:

Grasp computer firmly , with both hands.

Step two:

Fling the beotch as hard as you can toward the nearest window!
Then I would have windows 8, 9 and 10.

Man thanks, that was a good laugh, i needed that.


Baxreefs said:
Joe It's easy!

Step one:

Grasp computer firmly , with both hands.

Step two:

Fling the beotch as hard as you can toward the nearest window!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
What PC is it? Dell..ect? yes you can re format but you will need a Disk of XP of what the PC it is due to them having stuff burnt into the motherboard chip set.. like you can't use a gateway XP disk on a dell PC.. or if you have a XP disk from MS and not a PC brand that will work too


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus

If you go with the MS Version before you format check your drivers(audio, video..) the make and versions and then download the XP versions and burn them to disk. This way after you do the MicroSoft Versions install you can re-install the drivers with no sucker.

4realestate said:
Can i just format my hard drive and then restart the computer witht he xp in the cd drive, choose boot from cd and install ?
I cant stand this windows 7...
I haven't tried to rid of Win7(last time I rid of Vista),not sure if it has something that would stop you. I guess it should not prevent you from formatting harddrive.
I believe if you get non-manufacturer-specific version of XP Pro, change boot options to bood from cd, it will ask you 'new install or upgrade', select 'new' and somewhere there it will suggest to pick partition and dive option to format. I would suggest full format (not quick). And then proceed with installation.
Good luck.
Seriously, I am no computer expert, not even a novice, but as a user, I have a PC that is over 10 years old running Professional 2000 and it is solid as a rock. I've been through more then a half dozen XP & Vista machines in that time.

That's probably why it is no longer supported. Problem is, Pro 2000 only supports to Explorer 6 and that is being dropped now. I fear soon XP will be in the same boat as Explorer 7 atrophies.

I think I'm going MAC ::)


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I remember when Windows ( buggy)ME came out and me going around to all my friends putting 98 back on.. Bex my 4year old daughters PC had 2000 pro on it but i just upgraded to XP Pro.. due to lack of updates and things not working with it... 2000 pro and XP are pretty much the same ( guts wise) apart from XP has a better inter face for the end user
Tried reformatting the hard drive, it wont allow me to do that.
I went into the boot order and had it boot from win xp cd in the cd drive.System would not allow that to happen either.
Plopped the xp cd into the drive, system would not allow me to "downgrade".

Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
It might be a pain and I'm not sure you have the means to do it, but if you pull the hard drive out and install it as a slave drive in another computer, you will be able format the drive. Reinstall the drive and you can then delete all partitions and install XP on that drive.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Thermosts said:
It might be a pain and I'm not sure you have the means to do it, but if you pull the hard drive out and install it as a slave drive in another computer, you will be able format the drive. Reinstall the drive and you can then delete all partitions and install XP on that drive.
I always like to have two hard drives.. one just for storage and load progs too(slave) and keep the windows drive nice a clean


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
This is the reason I build my own PC's. These name-brand PC's always put restrictions on what you can do with them as well as adding a bunch of unwanted pre-loaded software that slows it down.

The fact that they use inferior hardware is also a reason I choose to build my own. And don't get me started on laptops... they are the devil! :-X

Sorry I didn't help with my reply, but I couldn't help but jump on the soap box for this topic.
4realestate said:
Tried reformatting the hard drive, it wont allow me to do that.
I went into the boot order and had it boot from win xp cd in the cd drive.System would not allow that to happen either.
Plopped the xp cd into the drive, system would not allow me to "downgrade".

It's tricky, but there is an option to 'clean install' not 'upgrade/downgrade', then it should not compare what you trying to install vs. existing version.

Next screen 'agreement ' - F8 'agree'
Next, click 'D' here - to delete partition

Then, you'll be asked to create new partition:

I usually use whole space to create single partition per drive:

Then proceed with formatting


And then follow instructions to install your Win xp.

Good luck.

All that BLUE!!!!!

The memories!!!!

It's driving me crazy!!!


Just rmember my initial suggestion!

As with any athletic movement, FOLLOW THROUGH!!!!!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Nice step-by-step Shluzer. That should do the trick, however, it's worth noting that this method will wipe the hard drive clean. Anything he downloaded/saved/installed/etc. with Windows 7 will be lost.

I'd suggest making a backup (copy to DVD will work) of any pictures/documents/etc. that are important to you before doing this.


NJRC Member
get a case of cold beer...
and ask some reef fellow to stop by to help!
it is the BEST and the MOST easy/fool-proof way to do it!