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Natureef Denitrifier


Many people have been asking me about this new product I started using a few months ago. I don't have the time to do an in depth review, but I can tell you the initial results have been fantastic. The system was developed by Adolph Klostermann back in the 80's and is used throughout Florida as that is where the company is based. Its a bacterial based reactor that treats 20 gallons at a time, 3 times a day.

I met a frag farmer at this past Macna and was just amazed at the quality of his Acro frags, to the point where Mnat and I pretty much purchased every type he had. I asked him about his reefing practices and he told me about this Natureef product. Most amazing part is that he had not done a water change in 2 years. There is more info on the link below. Please post any questions here and I will answer them when I can. thanks!

very cool topic darren!

doesn't water change replenish other trace elements? so if you are not doing any water changes, does it mean you have to start dosing these trace elements? just like you have skimmers with different ratings depending on the tank size, do the reactors for the denitrifier have different sizes depending on tank size? how much would all the equipment cost? do you have any pics?



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I have a ton of questions but for now I will ask: How much attention does it require? Can anything go wrong and foul the system? Looking forward to following this one!


How many different products are you using?
Are you using supplements & calcium booster?

I havent started the supplements yet, and have a calcium reactor, but I plan on using the supplements, once I stop doing water changes. From what I have heard their calcium supplement is fantastic. My friend has just started dosing it. It is loaded with trace elements, not just calcium and alk...

very cool topic darren!

doesn't water change replenish other trace elements? so if you are not doing any water changes, does it mean you have to start dosing these trace elements? just like you have skimmers with different ratings depending on the tank size, do the reactors for the denitrifier have different sizes depending on tank size? how much would all the equipment cost? do you have any pics?


Yes in theory, if you are going to stop doing water changes you would have to start dosing a trace element, but from what I understand, most trace elements are gone within 48 hours of a water change, so in essence they should be dosed even with water changes. It seems like we all are doing aminos and other additives these days as it is. I will get a picture of eventually and they come in 3 sizes, depending on the tank. They retail for $800-$1000 for both phosphate and Nitrate, and that includes everything and an initial 2-3 month supply of phosphagone and nitragone.

I have a ton of questions but for now I will ask: How much attention does it require? Can anything go wrong and foul the system? Looking forward to following this one!

Once the bacteria bed is established after a month or so, there is zero attention needed. The timer and doser takes care of everything automatically. The only thing needed is to refill the nitragone and phosphagone. The bacteria and additives are harmless and I dont see any issues with this causing any type of crash.

So this is different then the old school sulfur based denitrifier, correct?

Yes 100% different...
From what I've been reading and threads I've been following about this system, it works great if you want to ulns , high nutrients or somewhere in between. I Don't know if I would ever stop doing water changes all together but I would definitely cut back on the amount and possibly the frequency.

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One of the selling points is to get rid of costly water changes. When you factor in equipment and media costs is this really a selling point you agree with? How frequently does the media need changing?

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NJRC Member
Hi Darren,

Are you using the phosphate option? I'd be interested in knowing if/how it works. I'd like to find a bacteria based phosphate remover, but I don't think they exist.

Personally, I prefer sulfur to reduce nitrates. Made my filter several years ago from unused parts I had lying around. Only maintenance I've done is replacing the sulfur and calcareous material every couple of years.

i remember coming across this before. i think the general consensus is that they can be useful in home aquariums but they're mostly used for systems where water-changes aren't practical. i wouldnt think this is a cheaper option for home aquariums but i can agree that it will help cut down on timely maintenance


One of the selling points is to get rid of costly water changes. When you factor in equipment and media costs is this really a selling point you agree with? How frequently does the media need changing?

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I have yet to cease doing water changes, but I certainly plan to eventually once everything has been running for a few more months. Several people that I have spoken to in Florida that have been running the system for years, have stopped doing water changes and their systems are doing great.The only cost associated with running the system is the Nitragone and Phosaphagone, I am going to estimate that cost at approx $150/year, which is for a large 600 gallon high nutrient system. You can buy both by the gallon and the cost is nominal $30-$40/gallon, if my memory is correct.

I probably go through 10 buckets of salt a year at a cost of $700, factor in 2 buckets of ROWA at $300 and carbon $100, then the system has paid for itself in a year. Then add in all the time saved, convenience and the fact that your system is healthy and happy, then in theory it all makes sense, at least in my situation. Obviously if you have a 29 gallon nano then this isnt for you.

Hi Darren,

Are you using the phosphate option? I'd be interested in knowing if/how it works. I'd like to find a bacteria based phosphate remover, but I don't think they exist.

Personally, I prefer sulfur to reduce nitrates. Made my filter several years ago from unused parts I had lying around. Only maintenance I've done is replacing the sulfur and calcareous material every couple of years.


Hey Bob, yes I am using the Phosphate option. When I initially set up the system, I took my ROWA offline and my PO4 went up to around .20. Now after running the system for several months my PO4 is holding .03-.05 which is where I want to be. I am running no other forms of PO4 removal or carbon. I could never get my Nitrates under 40 PPM, now they are 5 PPM which is also where I want to be.


Officer Emeritus
Personally, I prefer sulfur to reduce nitrates. Made my filter several years ago from unused parts I had lying around. Only maintenance I've done is replacing the sulfur and calcareous material every couple of years.



I would like to hear about the process you are using to lower your nitrates, if you wouldn't mind could you start a thread about it?
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Hey Darren most importantly, where do we buy this system?

At the moment I can get it for you, I have developed a solid relationship with the owner. He has been a tremendous help in getting the system going for me and is a really great guy. I am sure if there is enough interest in the product line, I could get one of the LFS to carry it.

Interesting system. Where did you purchase all of your equipment and the media, etc?

Directly from the company...
Darren, how big is this chamber where water is treated. I've been to their website and can't find any pictures of this system, or dimensions. Can I bother you for a pic of yours. Want to know if this is a possible add on below my new DT should I choose this route?


Pete my reactor is the largest and it's 18x18x12wide. I have a brochure with the dimensions of the others I will try and take a pic of it and post it.

Seems like its a chamber with 1 or 2 dosing pumps and 2 water pumps.

I might be will to do this in a few months with my new tank. What size would cover 90-120 gallon tank and what would be the cost. PM if prices are not allowed.
I'm with Steve on this. And Darren if your running a calcium reactor with reborn or some other coral skeleton media aren't you getting Ca and trace elements out of the dissolved media? It's one of the reasons I run the reactor.