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Tank birthday and I'm a Geezer

Paul B

NJRC Member
Redfishbluefish, the majority of people have no Idea.

Last week I released 6 of the 7 butterflies I grew. One of them, not this one was born with a bum wing and she can't fly.

I still have her in a cage where she can flap around and she "eats" or drinks Gatorade. She seems fine but a little bored. I think they only live a couple of weeks so when she dies, I will bury her.


Paul B

NJRC Member
So I finally broke down and took out my vintage microscope that I got from Galileo to see what this stuff is that is growing all over my tank in ugly strands which I thought was an evil algae. But like some people told me, it is dino's. Millions of them (I counted).

I took this from just putting my finger in the floating gunk on the water surface.
View attachment 98122

I know it looks like the moon, but it isn't. They are dinos and they are alive, well and doing the macarana all over my tank. I find them rather interesting but they are beginning to bore me. I want to leave them there a little while longer until I am totally sure there is no more invasive sponge in my tank and these guys will smother anything trying to encrust on the rocks.

Soon I will change out this ASW which I am not thrilled with and again fill my tank with nice slightly polluted New York real seawater which should eliminate these guys. I think it's the sauerkraut water from the Hot Dog carts that does it.

In spite of all these dino's the tank is doing very well and the corals look great. I have about 44 fish but most of them are tiny so they are very hard to count, sort of like counting dino's.

I've had so the kinds of dinos, competition is good, lots of phyto, new fish, I dose chaeto grow anything to get algae to start growing and run uv if I got it.

Paul B

NJRC Member
My Doctor called me today to say he has my MRI. It seems the two tendons that hold my arm on my shoulder are both completely torn off the bone and that is bone on bone. My bicep is also shredded like cottage cheese. So if I turn fast my arm may fly off and hit someone casually walking by.

He said he is surprised I can move my arm at all. So my surgery is set for about 8 weeks from now and I will be getting a Brand new shiny aluminum shoulder most likely from Home Depot.

Now I go for (I think) a CAT scan so I may have to bring my Daughters cat. They need that to see how to build the artificial shoulder joint. This will be I think my 8th shoulder surgery and I also think my 33rd surgery in all. I am going for a record.

I already have a new knee which I am very happy with :giggle:


Staff member
NJRC Member
My Doctor called me today to say he has my MRI. It seems the two tendons that hold my arm on my shoulder are both completely torn off the bone and that is bone on bone. My bicep is also shredded like cottage cheese. So if I turn fast my arm may fly off and hit someone casually walking by.

He said he is surprised I can move my arm at all. So my surgery is set for about 8 weeks from now and I will be getting a Brand new shiny aluminum shoulder most likely from Home Depot.

Now I go for (I think) a CAT scan so I may have to bring my Daughters cat. They need that to see how to build the artificial shoulder joint. This will be I think my 8th shoulder surgery and I also think my 33rd surgery in all. I am going for a record.

I already have a new knee which I am very happy with :giggle:
Forget about aluminum go with bionic ones.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
My Doctor called me today to say he has my MRI. It seems the two tendons that hold my arm on my shoulder are both completely torn off the bone and that is bone on bone. My bicep is also shredded like cottage cheese. So if I turn fast my arm may fly off and hit someone casually walking by.

He said he is surprised I can move my arm at all. So my surgery is set for about 8 weeks from now and I will be getting a Brand new shiny aluminum shoulder most likely from Home Depot.

Now I go for (I think) a CAT scan so I may have to bring my Daughters cat. They need that to see how to build the artificial shoulder joint. This will be I think my 8th shoulder surgery and I also think my 33rd surgery in all. I am going for a record.

I already have a new knee which I am very happy with :giggle:
Wish we could get bionic parts. I know I could use some !

Paul B

NJRC Member
Yesterday morning at 6:15 I walked down to the beach with a bucket. I knew it would be low tide at 7:30 and I was early but thats when I do my morning walks. I also like to watch the sunrise before the rest of the world gets up and I get back home when most people are still sleeping.

The tide was somewhat low and there were exposed rocks at the shore so I decided to try to collect.
The first rock I lifted surprised me with hundreds of amphipods which I quickly swirled in a bucket of sea water. Then another and another. In 5 minutes I had thousands of amphipods and I assume millions of "free" copepods along with healthy mud full of bacteria.

I strained out most of the very fine mud and seaweed but kept everything else. I put it all in a small container and submerged it in my tank. I did that because I didn't want all the rocks and gravel I collected, just the bacteria and pods.

For hours they left the container and darted all over the tank. I also "shot" a bunch of the larger, "breeder" amphipods with eggs into my reverse undergravel filter where they will spawn. Even though these amphipods are from New York, they continuously spawn in my tank. I still find them from last year under the rocks. They make excellent scavengers and fish food and the bacteria keeps the tank healthy.

I took pictures and video's but I can't access those on this computer. When I get a minute, I will download them. I also twisted my ankle yesterday helping out a friend and between that and my broken shoulder, it takes me a little time to do some things right now. :)

Paul B

NJRC Member
So I just got back from my shoulder surgeon and I found out I need to also go to a neck neurosurgeon. Who even knew there was such a thing?

It seems a nerve in my neck is squashed so I won't have full strength in my brand new shoulder which by the way will be a reverse shoulder replacement. They do that so I can catch a ball while facing backwards. :rolleyes:

Paul B

NJRC Member
I added so many amphipods in the last few days that I think I may have overdone it a little. I collected and added thousands of the little buggers.

I have been very busy lately for a few things so I can only collect at 6:00 am at low tide which doesn't happen to often at that time so I have to be ready.

They are in every nook and cranny in my tank and I just looked with a flashlight below my tank at the reverse undergravel filter and they are doing the macarana all over the place.
I took a video collecting them on the beach but my computer says the file is corrupted so I can't access it. I will try to take another video but that won't be soon.

As I was looking for them, I also found a small red fish that looks like a fresh water Platy which I have no recoletion of buying. I don't know how long it has been in there but it stays in a small cave in the back under the rocks. Many times I find a creature in there that I forgot about.


Paul B

NJRC Member
I took another amphipod hunting video early this morning just because the last video I took doesn't work for some reason. When I get time I will see if this one works.

I won't be able to get down there for a month or so now as I have other things I need to do least of which is get a new shoulder and being those amphipods are heavy, I won't be able to pick them up. :oops:

I already have to many amphipods so these I will keep in a small tank as "pets". :D

Paul B

NJRC Member
In a week or so I need to do a water change. I am not a big water change freak but my tank is now filled with ASW so I could eliminate invasive sponge which I did but now I want to get rid of this fake water and put in real seawater. Soon I will have my shoulder replaced and I won't be able to use that arm for a couple of months and the water in my tank now is full of dying sponge chemicals so it is making way to many diatoms.

It will be very difficult to collect water now because I need to do it 100% with pumps as I can't lift it just now.
I will hopefully have some help in a week or two. :)