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Tank crashed!


NJRC Member
Anyone in or near Jackson can help? I'm not sure what I can save but I really can use a hand
I'm moving some coral to my sons tank now but I don't think I can get it all in there. And I'm also worried that some of the die off will disrupt his tank HELP
Anyone in or near Jackson can help? I'm not sure what I can save but I really can use a hand
I'm moving some coral to my sons tank now but I don't think I can get it all in there. And I'm also worried that some of the die off will disrupt his tank HELP

I left you a voice mail...what can I do?


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Rob, sorry about the crash! wish i wasnt stuck at work, would of been able to help out. Did you try contacting Mark @ Ultimate Corals? maybe he can hold some stuff till you figure what's going on!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Oh no Rob. Wish I was closer. We will be in the area tomorrow so if we can do anything then, let me know.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
I am at work too, will be home later, will give you a call then.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I'm out until 6:30 - 7:00...but I'm available all day tomorrow if that helps. Let me know.

High alk will drive down calc. I wouldn't worry so much about your low calc right now....you need to get that alk number down.
Can you set up temp tank with just water heater and powerhead? Sorry I am at work I know I don't have much water either just did a water change last night.


NJRC Member
Thanks guys I'm changing, changing, changing water right now I ran out of fresh water and making it right now. Paul I don't understand how cal can be down and alk up when it dosed a gallon of cal solution.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
I have about 6 5gallon jugs and about 50 gallons of fresh water and I,m in Howell . let me know if you need it.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
........Paul I don't understand how cal can be down and alk up when it dosed a gallon of cal solution.

Very high alkalinity (at "normal" aquarium pH) greatly reduces the solubility of calcium carbonate....that is, it precipitates out of solution. Let me see if I can find some references for you.


HERE's a reference, but don't read it now....first get your tank back to normal.
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Rob, call me 848.525.4066

I'll be heading back over and checking if you need anything. No answer on your home line and voice mail is full.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Rob, I can bring you about 3 AquaVitro buckets full of salt water (Instant Ocean) tomorrow night if you need it. Best if you get it worked out today obviously, but if you run out and need a little more tomorrow to get you back on track, let me know.


NJRC Member
Thanks again guys this is why this club is so good lots of people willing to help in any way. I'm going to try and change as much water as I can today and tonight I may need water if any one can I have salt and making water but it is slow.
Thanks Paul I think I screwed up and miss labeled the cal jug and what dumped was alk solution.