• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself

Hi! I'm Marissa!! I've been born and raised in NJ, but have spent time in other states for school and work. I started out with freshwater aquariums. Currently, I have two angelfish. But it was time to start my saltwater tank. My boyfriend surprised me for Christmas with a 30 gallon tank and so here it begins. So far its just some small critters: snails, hermit crabs etc, sand shifter sea star, and I just introduced my first Lawnmower Blenny!! Hopefully will be adding more cool fish and shrimp during the next couple of months!
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Officer Emeritus
Welcome to NJRC, maybe you could start a tale of the tank thread so we can follow along with your progress.
Hi everyone, my name is Kelly, got started into SW and reefs around September of 2014. Previously I was breeding African Cichlids. At the moment I am taking care of an 80 Gallon Rimless DB Tank with a 40 gallon Sump (SPS Dominated), as well as a 75 Gallon FOWLR since I had an extra tank, so I said why not. Anyways looking forward to learning a lot more about the hobby. Currently waiting for admins to approve my membership application! Dance


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Hi everyone, my name is Kelly, got started into SW and reefs around September of 2014. Previously I was breeding African Cichlids. At the moment I am taking care of an 80 Gallon Rimless DB Tank with a 40 gallon Sump (SPS Dominated), as well as a 75 Gallon FOWLR since I had an extra tank, so I said why not. Anyways looking forward to learning a lot more about the hobby. Currently waiting for admins to approve my membership application! Dance

Welcome to the forums, Kelly. Start a TOTT thread when you get a chance. :D



Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Welcome kelly!! I agree with sunny, start a tank thread.

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Hello All,

As a new member and new tank owner I thought I'd introduce myself. I've had plenty of tanks in my lifetime but never really dug into reef keeping. Recently, I built a 120g system which is currently cycling. It's extremely loud and one of the overflows seems to fill up with water then release causing a 3 inch fluctuation in water level and a gurgling noise. I think the flex tubing is too long causing air build up and release. While the tank cycles I'm trying to fix this issue. I look forward to being a part of this community and developing my skills.

As for my profession, I currently manage a sales team for a supply chain and logistics company. I love to fish as much as I love to stare at fish in a tank!

Look forward to reefing with all of you!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Ace, welcome. I'd suggest you start a Tale of the Tank thread were you can document your progress and continue to ask questions. Without knowing what drainage system you have, I'm going to guess it's a durso. If that is the case, a common problem is that it intermittently siphoned water. The cause is either the hole in the top is clogged or the height of the durso needs to be adjusted.


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Welcome to the club. I agree with Paul, it's hard to tell what the issue is without a little more info and possibly some pictures.

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NJRC Member
Welcome to njrc guys it's good to see a couple new people signing up. If you can make the meetings it's great fun and you will learn a lot.
Hi Everyone. I'm Nikki and I'm new to the forum. I've been keeping freshwater tanks for a while and just started my first saltwater tank. Its only a 29 gallon tank since I have limited space. I've set it up and am ready to add some fish.